SHF PAM-MUX Driven by a Multi-Channel BPG

SHF 12105 A BPG and SHF 616 C PAM-MUX
Extending a 4, 6 or 8 channel 64 Gbps NRZ Bit Pattern Generator (BPG) with our Pulse Amplitude Modulation Multiplexer (PAM-MUX) doubles the baud rate and doubles the number of output signal levels. In other words, when driven with 4 data channels, a 256 Gbps (128 GBaud) PAM4 source is formed.
GUI of the SHF 616 C
By the use of our complementary software package SHF Control Center (SCC), the system is operated like one single 128 GBaud instrument. For example, as per the picture above the output patterns can be selected directly at the output of the PAM-MUX. There is no need to spend time thinking about the required input patterns from the BPG.
224 Gbps (112 GBaud) directly sampled
224 Gbps (112 GBaud) after software based 4-Tap FFE