We added bandwidth and linearity to the well known SHF 804’s.
For many years, the SHF 804TL and the SHF 804EA have been SHF’s workhorse when it comes to very high bandwidth in combination with more than 20 dB of gain. Now, new packaging techniques have enabled us to make further improvements. The result is the new SHF S804 A.
The SHF S804 A provides a 22 dB small signal gain, whilst the bandwidth is now extended to beyond 60 GHz accompanied by an over-all reduction in group delay variation. These characteristics render the new SHF S804 A well suited as a receiver amplifier for NRZ up to 100 Gbps and PAM-4 signals up to at least 56 GBaud. In addition, the linear output power of this amplifier matches well the drive requirement of high performance EA modulators as well as VCSELs and DFB lasers for data centre applications.
56 Gbps input (~ 60 mV) & output (~ 800 mV) from the SHF S804 A
56 GBaud input (~ 60 mV) & output (~ 800 mV) from the SHF S804 A
The SHF 804TL & 804E become obsolete with the introduction of the new part. The data sheet can be found here.