
SHF M833 A and M834 A Amplifier
More choice of linear drivers to match your PAM4 modulation...
FOE 2017
SHF Japan is presenting our product highlights at the FOE trade...
DesignCon 2017
On February 1st and 2nd we are exhibiting at the DesignCon 2017 in...
SHF 12105 A Bit Pattern Generator
New 64 Gbps BPG with up to 8 channels (i.e. > 512 Gbps total...
SHF 19120 A Arbitrary Waveform Generator
2.85 GSa/s arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) & 10 Gbps bit...
SHF S804 A Amplifier
We added bandwidth and linearity to the well known SHF 804's. For...
ECOC 2016
Come and see our product highlights at the ECOC 2016! From...
SHF 78121 A Clock Distribution
In setups with digital high speed modules and instruments, the clock...
Workshop: PAM-4
SHF, Tektronix and the HHI provide a demonstration about PAM4...
SHF D836 A Differential to Single-Ended Linear RF Amplifier
Differential signals from a high performance DAC, typically needed...
SHF 46121 A Optical Transmitter
Our family of compact low cost instruments has been extended to...
OECC/PS 2016
SHF Japan joins the international conference, OECC, held in Niigata,...
PAM-4 BER Analysis up to 32 GBaud
SHF has further improved the SHF 11104 A error analyzer (EA) PAM-4...
FOE 2016
Our subsidiary SHF Japan is presenting our product highlights at the...
High Voltage Option for Bit Pattern Generator
64 Gbps with 2 V directly from the SHF 12104 A BPG For more than 30...