FOE 2017
SHF Japan is presenting our product highlights at the FOE trade...
DesignCon 2017
On February 1st and 2nd we are exhibiting at the DesignCon 2017 in...
SHF 12105 A Bit Pattern Generator
New 64 Gbps BPG with up to 8 channels (i.e. > 512 Gbps total...
SHF 19120 A Arbitrary Waveform Generator
2.85 GSa/s arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) & 10 Gbps bit...
SHF S804 A Amplifier
We added bandwidth and linearity to the well known SHF 804's. For...
ECOC 2016
Come and see our product highlights at the ECOC 2016! From...
SHF 78121 A Clock Distribution
In setups with digital high speed modules and instruments, the clock...
Workshop: PAM-4
SHF, Tektronix and the HHI provide a demonstration about PAM4...
SHF D836 A Differential to Single-Ended Linear RF Amplifier
Differential signals from a high performance DAC, typically needed...
SHF 46121 A Optical Transmitter
Our family of compact low cost instruments has been extended to...
OECC/PS 2016
SHF Japan joins the international conference, OECC, held in Niigata,...
PAM-4 BER Analysis up to 32 GBaud
SHF has further improved the SHF 11104 A error analyzer (EA) PAM-4...
FOE 2016
Our subsidiary SHF Japan is presenting our product highlights at the...
High Voltage Option for Bit Pattern Generator
64 Gbps with 2 V directly from the SHF 12104 A BPG For more than 30...
OFC 2016
We would be very happy to welcome you again at our OFC booth. The...