To improve our successful SHF 78124 A synthesizer series we are going to release the completely redesigned Precision Signal Generator: the SHF 78125 A.

Both Synthesizers share the focus on generating pure CW signals. This allows us to offer the most cost-effective solutions in this frequency range. The high signal fidelity is achieved by waiving potentially unrequired components and capabilities (like signal modulation or complex signal sweeps for example used in Function Generators or Vector Signal Generators).

While the SHF 78124 A is an excellent CW Clock Signal Generator, the new SHF 78125 A improves on a number of aspects:

  • Even better harmonic suppression,
  • Reduced phase noise and
  • Improved frequency stability
SHF 78125 A Synthesizer


There will be three product variants

  • SHF 78125 A | 40 for frequencies from 0.5 to 40 GHz
  • SHF 78125 A | 64 for frequencies from 0.5 to 64 GHz
  • SHF 78125 A | 80 for frequencies from 0.5 to 80 GHz


While the 80 GHz variant will take a little longer, the first SHF 78125 A synthesizers will be shipped in early 2025 and the official datasheet will be published here.

Typical Applications

One application is to generate the clock signal required for SHF Bit Pattern Generators, Error Analyzers or Digital Modules (such as multiplexers or DACs). With the high precision of the SHF 78125 A, the range of applications is now much wider. To name just a few:

  • Calibration of T&M instruments such as oscilloscopes, spectrum and network analyzers
  • Characterization of electronic components such as amplifiers, mixers, filters, and oscillators
  • Reference in systems requiring precise timing, such as radar, navigation, and high-precision clocks
  • Use in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) testing to simulate interference signals
  • Provide the precise signals needed to control qubits in quantum computing and quantum communication

More Information

The datasheet will be available shortly. Please bear with us.