SHF T850 C

SHF T850 C with Frequency Response

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The SHF T850 C is a single-ended linear RF broadband amplifier ideally suited for PAM4 signals even beyond 200 Gbps (100 GBaud). With a 3 dB bandwidth from < 100 kHz to > 100 GHz it is the first SHF amplifier designed and dedicated for these extreme speeds.

Key Parameters1

  • Bandwidth: ≥ 100 GHz
  • Gain: 11 dB
  • Linear Operation: Up to 2 V Output Eye Amplitude

High-Speed Output Signals2

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High-Output-Swing Signals2

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For the guaranteed values, please be referred to the data sheet.

These measurements have been performed with the courtesy and with the measurement equipment of Keysight Technologies Japan K.K. Therefore, they are typical and purely informative. SHF can only verify and confirm the data shown in the official data sheet.

The SHF T850 C amplifier has been fed with a signal from a Keysight M8199B 256GSa/s AWG (SSPRQ Pattern). A Keysight DCA N1000A with Precision-Timebase & 122 GHz Sampling Module (N1046A) took the waveforms after an “in-system” calibration of AWG and Scope.