RF & Microwave
Passive Components

SHF BT65 Bias-Tee
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Bias Tees


DC Blocks




NEW: Pick-Off Tees

DC Feeders



Bias Tees

A RF Bias Tee is a passive electronic component to inject DC (direct current) to a RF transmission line, while simultaneously allowing the passage of RF signals. Due to our air line construction, all SHF bias tees provide resonance-free transmission over the whole specified operating frequency range.


45 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Max. DC Voltage Max. DC Current
1 SHF BT45R 20 kHz – 45 GHz ± 16 V ± 400 mA
2 SHF BT45R | HV100 800 kHz – 45 GHz ± 100 V ± 400 mA
3 SHF BT45R | HV200 4 MHz – 45 GHz ± 200 V ± 400 mA
4 SHF BT45R | HC1000 100 kHz – 45 GHz ± 16 V ± 1000 mA
5 SHF BT45R | HC2000 500 kHz – 45 GHz ± 16 V ± 2000 mA
6 SHF BT45R | HVC100/1000 800 kHz – 45 GHz ± 100 V ± 1000 mA


65 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Max. DC Voltage Max. DC Current
1 SHF BT65R 50 kHz – 65 GHz ± 16 V ± 400 mA
2 SHF BT65R | HV100 3 MHz – 65 GHz ± 100 V ± 400 mA
3 SHF BT65R | HC800 100 kHz – 65 GHz ± 16 V ± 800 mA
4 SHF BT65R | HVC100/800 3 MHz – 65 GHz ± 100 V ± 800 mA


110 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Max. DC Voltage Max. DC Current
1 SHF BT110R 50 kHz – 110 GHz ± 10 V ± 400 mA
2 SHF BT110R | HV25 1 MHz – 110 GHz ± 25 V ± 400 mA


Simplified, a RF Diplexer is a Bias-Tee with a certain bandwidth in the low frequency path. Therefore, it can be used to combine or separate a low frequency (LF) and a high frequency (HF) signal. The main function of a diplexer is to allow the simultaneous transmission or reception of two RF signals over a single transmission line or antenna while ensuring isolation between different frequency bands.


45 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth HF-Path Bandwidth LF-Path Max. LF Voltage Max. LF Current
1 SHF DX45R 90 MHz – 45 GHz DC – 25 MHz ± 20 V ± 400 mA
2 SHF DX45R | HVC50/1000 100 MHz – 45 GHz DC – 25 MHz ± 50 V ± 1000 mA
3 SHF DX45R | HVC100/2000 100 MHz – 45 GHz DC – 25 MHz ± 100 V ± 2000 mA
4 SHF DX45R | X01 1200 MHz – 32 GHz DC – 600 MHz ± 50 V ± 1000 mA
5 SHF DX45R | X02 3000 MHz – 40 GHz DC – 1000 MHz ± 50 V ± 1000 mA


65 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth HF-Path Bandwidth LF-Path Max. LF Voltage Max. LF Current
1 SHF DX65R 90 MHz – 65 GHz DC – 25 MHz ± 20 V ± 400 mA
2 SHF DX65R | HV100 90 MHz – 65 GHz DC – 25 MHz ± 100 V ± 400 mA


110 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth HF-Path Bandwidth LF-Path Max. LF Voltage Max. LF Current
1 SHF DX110R 1 GHz – 110 GHz DC – 50 MHz ± 20 V ± 400 mA

DC Blocks

45 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Max. DC Voltage Max. RF Power
1 SHF DCB45R 30 kHz – 45 GHz ± 25 V 30 dBm
2 SHF DCB45R | HV100 700 kHz – 45 GHz ± 100 V 30 dBm
3 SHF DCB45R | HV200 3.8 MHz- 45 GHz ± 200 V ± 200 V


65 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Max. DC Voltage Max. RF Power
1 SHF DCB65R 50 kHz – 65 GHz ± 16 V 30 dBm
2 SHF DCB65R | HV100 3 MHz – 65 GHz ± 100 V 30 dBm


110 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Max. DC Voltage Max. RF Power
1 SHF DCB110R 150 kHz – 110 GHz ± 10 V 30 dBm
2 SHF DCB110R | HV50 1.1 MHz – 110 GHz ± 50 V 30 dBm


Our RF fixed attenuators are designed to reduce the amplitude of a signal with minimal distortion to control signal strength, prevent overloading of sensitive components, or match signal levels between different parts of a system.

Fast Delivery SHF Attenuators are in stock and ready to be shipped within a short turnaround time. Fast Delivery


67 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Attenuation
1 SHF ATT67 A | 3 dB DC – 67 GHz 3
2 SHF ATT67 A | 6 dB DC – 67 GHz 6
3 SHF ATT67 A | 8 dB DC – 67 GHz 8
4 SHF ATT67 A | 9 dB DC – 67 GHz 9
5 SHF ATT67 A | 10 dB DC – 67 GHz 10
6 SHF ATT67 A | 13 dB DC – 67 GHz 13
7 SHF ATT67 A | 16 dB DC – 67 GHz 16
8 SHF ATT67 A | 20 dB DC – 67 GHz 20


110 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Attenuation
1 SHF ATT110 A | 3 dB DC – 110 GHz 3
2 SHF ATT110 A | 6 dB DC – 110 GHz 6
3 SHF ATT110 A | 8 dB DC – 110 GHz 8
4 SHF ATT110 A | 9 dB DC – 110 GHz 9
5 SHF ATT110 A | 10 dB DC – 110 GHz 10
6 SHF ATT110 A | 13 dB DC – 110 GHz 13
7 SHF ATT110 A | 16 dB DC – 110 GHz 16
8 SHF ATT110 A | 20 dB DC – 110 GHz 20

Terminations (50 Ω Loads)

A RF Termination, aka a “RF Load” or a “Dummy Load” is used to absorb RF energy and terminate RF transmission lines or circuits. SHF terminations are 50 Ohm resistive loads perfectly preventing signal reflections and ensuring exact impedance matching within the system.

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Min. Return Loss
1 SHF TRM110 A DC – 110 GHz 10 dB

Power Dividers

An RF Power Divider splits an input into two output signals. With SHF power dividers, these outputs maintain perfect amplitude and phase matching. Utilizing a resistive design, the power is evenly divided, resulting in ~ 6 dB loss from the input to one output. SHF power dividers can also operate in reverse configuration as “power combiners.”

Fast Delivery The SHF PDV18 A is in stock and ready to be shipped within a short turnaround time. Fast Delivery


wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Max. Amplitude Difference Max. Phase Difference
1 SHF PDV18 A DC – 18 GHz 0.5 dB
2 SHF PDV67 A DC – 67 GHz 0.6 dB
3 SHF PDV110 A DC – 110 GHz 1.2 dB 15°

Pick-Off Tees

A Pick-Off Tee extracts a small portion of the signal from the main line and outputs it at the pick-off port. This allows for signal monitoring without significantly altering the original signal. The SHF POTs are available with two coupling values: 12 and 20 dB (i.e., ~6% and ~1% of the signal power is available at the pick-off port, respectively).

The Pick-Off Tee is bi-directional, making it suitable for both signal extraction and injection into the transmission line.

SHF Pick-Off Tees are extremely broadband, with a low frequency range down to DC and a high frequency range in excess of 110 GHz.


67 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Coupling Value
1 SHF POT67 A | 12 dB DC - 67 GHz 12
3 SHF POT67 A | 20 dB DC - 67 GHz 20


110 GHz

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Coupling Value
1 SHF POT110 A | 12 dB DC - 110 GHz 12
3 SHF POT110 A | 20 dB DC - 110 GHz 20

DC Feeders

A DC-Feeder is a bias tee without the capacitor. Therefore, it provides slightly lower insertion loss in case it is connected to an AC-coupled device which already has a capacitor on its input.

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Bandwidth Max. DC Voltage Max. DC Current
1 SHF DF45R DC – 45 GHz ± 16 V ± 400 mA
2 SHF DF45R | HV50 DC – 45 GHz ± 50 V ± 400 mA
3 SHF DF65R DC – 65 GHz ± 16 V ± 400 mA
4 SHF DF65R | HV50 DC – 65 GHz ± 50 V ± 400 mA
5 SHF DF110R DC -110 GHz ± 16 V ± 400 mA
6 SHF DF110R | HV50 DC -110 GHz ± 50 V ± 400 mA

Linear Equalization Filters

A Linear Equalization Filter can be used to offset signal distortion e.g., resulting from bandwidth limitations. This compensation is achieved through a linearly decreasing insertion loss up to the “Nyquist-Frequency,” counteracting an increase in insertion loss along the signal transmission path, such as in an RF cable. The SHF EQ-Series features a fixed “Nyquist-Frequency” and a fixed “Filter Peaking Value,” rendering these components passive, compact, lightweight, and cost-effective. If a more flexible filter is required, we would kindly like to guide your attention to the active filters in our RF & Microwave Modules Product Section.

wdt_ID P/N & Data Sheet Nyquist Frequency Filter Peaking Value*
1 SHF EQ16 A | 1.5 16 GHz 1.5 dB
2 SHF EQ16 A | 3 16 GHz 3 dB
3 SHF EQ16 A | 6 16 GHz 6 dB
4 SHF EQ25 A | 1.5 25 GHz 1.5 dB
5 SHF EQ25 A | 3 25 GHz 3 dB
* The Filter Peaking Value is defined as the difference between insertion loss at low (1 GHz) and at Nyquist Frequency.

Support – RF Passive Components



General Info

Up to 110 GHz

SHF’s microwave components are broadband devices suitable up to 110 GHz.

Our SHF BIAS TEES are well known but perhaps a slight variation does suit your application even better. DIPLEXERS are bias tees with a certain bandwidth in the low frequency path to combine or separate high frequency and low frequency signals into or out of a single line. DC-FEEDERS are bias tees without the capacitor. Therefore, it provides slightly lower insertion loss in case it is connected to an AC-coupled device which already has a capacitor on its input. Based on our air line construction, these passive components provide resonance-free transmission over the entire operating range.

The SHF ATT110 A precision fixed ATTENUATORS, as well as the SHF TRM110 A TERMINATIONS (50 Ohm loads) are available in a wide variety of different connector combinations.

Our broadband resistive POWER DIVIDERS split a signal into two equal parts, or combine two signals. They have a characteristic impedance of 50 ohms when the output ports are terminated with 50 ohm loads.

A typical application for a broadband LINEAR EQUALIZATION FILTER is to compensate for distortion caused by the lack of bandwidth of a DUT (e.g. a RF cable assembly).

Application and Tutorial Notes

Discontinued Products


Discontinued Bias-Tees

P/N Type
SHF 125 (1mm) 110 GHz Bias Tee
SHF BT45 45 GHz Bias Tee
SHF BT65 65 GHz Bias Tee
SHF BT110 110 GHz Bias Tee

Discontinued DC-Blocks

P/N Type
SHF DCB45 45 GHz DC-Block
SHF DCB65 65 GHz DC-Block
SHF DCB110 110 GHz DC-Block

Discontinued Diplexers

P/N Type
SHF DX45 45 GHz Diplexer
SHF DX65 65 GHz Diplexer

Misc. Discontinued Passive Components

P/N Type
SHF 2000DEL WOC 20 GHz Delay Line
SHF AT26 40 GHz Monitor Tee
SHF AT27 18 GHz Power Divider
SHF 50 Bias Load
SHF BT45 45 GHz Bias Tee
SHF DCR45 45 GHz DC-Return
SHF DCR65 65 GHz DC-Return
SHF DF45 45 GHz DC-Feeder
SHF DF65 65 GHz DC-Feeder